Travis Daugherty, Blaine co Sheriff, has put together a program, Arrive Alive Tour, for ALL Blaine co Jr’s and Sr’s (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS WELL) hosted at Watonga HS. April 19th, 10a-3p . The Arrive Alive tour is going to face the distracted driving issue by providing students, and the public, an educational experience; a Sober and Electronic Free Driving “VISUAL” Education. State Farm is sponsoring and providing a Truck and Drunk Driving simulated car from OSU program Sober and Free of Electronics. They will be having a “mock distracted driving” accident complete with wrecked vehicles, actors, ambulance, parents of the victims arriving on the horrific scene, OHP on scene, a helicopter lifting the victims, and also an officer/coroner pronouncing a victim (teenager) deceased. This will be a VERY Impactful event on students, parents, teachers, and the communities that are in attendance.
Many of our local businesses and a few businesses in other communities are pledged to participate either through sponsorship, with the food provided to the 260 student attendees from the Blaine co schools, the T-shirts that will be given to the students (sold to the community), or donation made to continue this program each year. The hosting participants are, Blaine County Sheriff Office, Sheriff Travis Daugherty, Watonga Public Schools, State Farm Insurance/OSU OKC, Representative Mike Dobrinski, Tom Robins with, fire personnel from Watonga and Hydro their administrators Kirk Harman, Mike Carlin, Perry Sheffler, and Robert Daugherty, OHP, Blaine County Courts, and several local business and organization sponsors making the event successful and impactful.
I don’t have a complete list of Business sponsors, however, these are who I know for sure are assisting either financially or by some type of hosting expense: Mary Lee Jones State Farm Insurance, Steve Poulson, Edward D. Jones, Cornerstone Bank of Watonga, First Sate Bank Watonga, First National Bank Okeene, Bank Of Western Oklahoma, Bank of Hydro, Ward and Glass Law, Pioneer Telephone, , Canton’s Foods, Jim Woody, Benchmark Foods, Watonga Kiwanis, The Okeene Kiwanis, Wheeler Brothers Grain Co., Watonga Tag Office, Watonga Community Action Group, Watonga Chamber of Commerce, Watonga Republican, The Country Connection, Okeene News, and we are hoping for an appearance from Shelby Love with Fox 25. Each of these businesses or groups all pledging some kind of financial assistance with the T-shirts, food, advertising of the event, and/or other hosting expenses. Thank you to “Thru-Tubing Solutions”, they will be Barbequing at the EVENT!
Attached is the “mock up for the logo” that they plan to use on the t shirts, Thank you Katie Simmons for the logo idea. The flyer has added details of the event also. We hope you can ATTEND!
Blaine County Sheriff Office Attn: “Arrive Alive Tour” 205 N. Burford, Watonga, Ok 73772
Call with questions about the event or questions re: sponsorship to 918.884.5550 /Sheriff Travis Daugherty 580.623.5111
Appreciate our Community of Businesses as well as the dedication to the students of Blaine Co from our Sheriff Office!
Thank you to Our Sponsors: